Saturday 1 July 2023

Aide memoire

A week or so ago now we took lunch in a country pub offering country dining. It was quiet, but the staff were friendly and there was a good atmosphere. If one chose the right day, one could even have a psychic offering. We puzzled about how such an event might be formatted and hoped that they did better at weekends.

An establishment which we had visited before, but I was reminded of their Ordnance Survey map on the wall, centred on the pub in question. I like maps and I like features of this sort. Maybe I should get one for my study - the catch being deciding what would have to give way to make space for it on the wall.

Sadly, I did not do so well with the grub. I forget what, if anything I did about starter and dessert, but I did make a very bad choice of main course; a meal which came in its own white dish with chips on the side. It didn't look as if it had been microwaved straight out of the freezer, in the way of some lasagnes: I thought that there had been some human intervention. Whatever the case, the chips were fine - but the contents of the dish were not. At the bottom, there was some kind of cheesy confection, possibly some sort of sauce made up with cheese powder. In the middle were some chunks of chicken which had been given black stripes - which tasted of burn - by some sort of grilling process or contraption. Probably the odd bit of bacon, together with some other odds and ends. The whole topped off with a generous portion of some rather unpleasant red goo, although not quite gooey enough to cover the taste of the black stripes. Not good at all.

BH did much better with her salad which was perfectly satisfactory - except that, for the money, it was a very modest portion indeed.

Pill sweetened in my case by some kind of white wine, possibly a sauvignon blanc from Chile. BH had to make do with elderflower cordial or some such.

I dare say we will go again, but I hope I remember not to take this particular dish.

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