Monday 3 July 2023

Health & Safety

This being being a flimsy looking, but fast and furious roller-coaster in North Carolina, operated by the people at reference 2, where more snaps of same are to be found.

But one might think that the people minding the ride would notice that the top of one of the pillars had sheared before a visitor snapped it with his telephone from the car park. Daylight can just about be seen in the snap above, but if you watch the video provided by the NYT, the head of the pillar moves up and to the right, clear blue sky below, as the cars come around and up from bottom left.

Does North Carolina do Health & Safety or do they leave that in the capable hands of the people who built the thing in the first place? Will the insurers withdraw cover?

Their address might be in North Carolina, but the park as a whole appears to straddle the state line with South Carolina. Maybe they fall through the cracks in supervision, as it were. Rather as some roads in this country come to a sorry end a few feet short of a county line, to be resumed a few feet past it.

In the middle of a large industrial estate, an estate which puts to shame our own Longmead estate here in Epsom. TKMaxx, Amazon, the Gordon Conway Theological Seminary, the No.1 Settling Basin (top right) and all kinds of interesting and valuable operations. 

A little to the southwest of Charlotte and about 250km to the northeast of Myrtle Beach, home to the National House of Pancakes.

Everything you could possibly want in the way of caffeine, glucose, chocolate and e-numbers. Maybe the people at Creams of Epsom, perhaps our nearest equivalent, should send over a team on a fact finding mission, to compare notes. To be found at reference 4 and noticed towards the end of reference 5.

And not so far from the Sea Islands and Gullah, to which I am supposed to be giving some time. See reference 6 for the last time I was reminded of them.

PS: jumping from the NYT to the FT (early start Tuesday morning), I was intrigued to read that '... But the warlord’s plane has since flown several times from Belarus to Moscow and St Petersburg and back again, Flightradar24 data shows, raising questions over whether Prigozhin is sticking to the terms of the deal....'. It's a very joined up world we live in, security blankets and blackouts notwithstanding.


Reference 1: Large Crack Spotted in Roller Coaster Prompts Its Shutdown: A visitor to the North Carolina amusement park recorded a crack in a pillar of the ride, Fury 325, which is billed as one of the tallest of its kind - Orlando Mayorquin, New York Times - 2023.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Reference 7: From Sweden. Including advertisements from the recently noticed Howden's kitchen.

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