Sunday 2 July 2023

Trolley 575

Trolley No.575, from the M&S food hall, very slightly dented front basket, was captured on the country side of the West Hill railway bridge, the one which is said to be under nocturnal repair for a month or so, although we have yet to go at night to check.

Money aside, not yet made up my mind about this no-mow business. I like the plants coming back, but don't yet know how long it will take the hay to rot down or otherwise disperse, perhaps blocking a good number of drains. Another example of one outfit transferring costs to another without asking?

While a little further along the bank, an ornamental tree which was extravagantly in flower not so many weeks ago is not looking very well at all. I shall keep an eye on it.

The farmers' market was present, but rather thin, less than ten stalls and not many people about at 10:30. Certainly, no farmers. I almost fell for something which looked like Emmental from 4m - but which I rarely have an opportunity to buy off the block. But this block turned out to be from Savoy and I desisted. It must be many years since Paxon & Whitfield (of Jermyn Street) carried a wheel of the stuff in their front window - since before they switched their attention from cheese eaters to tourists and holidaymakers.

For a change, the footbridge circuit rather than the underpass circuit, which meant walking through the Sainsbury's car park at Kiln Lane. No registrations between the mid twenties and the low fifties, with these last represented by just the one No.53. Certainly no No.37. Or even a proper No.36. While reference 3 reminds me that we are on another foreign television drama just presently, the King of Warsaw, maybe even filmed in Warsaw rather than the Budapest favoured for Maigret and the like. Don't know what to make of it at all quite yet - but, if it is a fair picture, the Warsaw of just before the second world war was a pretty rum place, not least for its rampant and gross anti-Semitism. See reference 4.

Over the footbridge and down to the tip, passing three lads on the way with their skateboards. Their attempt to be cool was rather defeated by the expensive accents and good manners peeping out from under adolescent cool. Not clear where they were headed, not knowing of any skateboard venue anywhere near Kiln Lane.

A large and interesting truck parked in the gas depot. In SGN (southern gas networks) livery but with an MTS contraption strapped on the back which looked like some kind of large vacuum cleaner, bringing to mind the Pier pump truck noticed at reference 5. We also have the people at reference 6, but they wear yellow livery and it is not clear that they are anything to do with the present truck.

While on the other side of the path, the site which was the garage for Epsom Coaches is well on the way to becoming a very large new Travis Perkins, maybe as big as the one in South Lambeth Road, certainly a good deal bigger than the one we already have.

Odd how much the Travis Perkins green depends on the angle and the lighting.

Manor Green Road butcher shut, Friday fishing previously noticed notwithstanding.

PS: the market cherries of reference 7 now very nearly finished. Just four duds in the whole lot. They have been very good but I think they would have been over the hill had they survived until tomorrow, despite the cooler weather.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Reference 6:

Reference 7:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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