Friday 21 July 2023


We move on from the provisional 36 of reference 1. We finally copped a No.37 today: a black or near black Range Rover heading north on the A3 a few miles south of Petersfield. With the registration plate in full reading '37 BK'. I was driving and it was driving rather faster, so there was no question of a confirmation snap.

But there is confirmation of sorts at the previously not-heard-of reference 2, confirmation in that it tells me that this registration plate belongs to a black range rover. It also tells me that 'BK 37' does not exist and that 'LG09 WZZ' is indeed a grey Ford C-Max - although the top speed of 120mph seems a bit improbably. Not that I have ever tested it.

They also appear to have access to MOT data and I now know that it failed its first attempt in 2022 on account of the aim of the headlights. Information which had not previously reached me. Or at least if it did, in one ear and out the other.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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