Friday 28 July 2023


The blackberries hanging over the Screwfix underpass are coming on, although not quite to the point where it is worth going out with a tub to pick them.

On my big screen downstairs, the leaves, particularly those of the nettles below, look curiously two dimensional, as if they had been cut out of thin green paper. Presumably some by-product of the focus on the berries.

Before getting there, I was able to take in the shopfitting activity in what is to be a branch of Gail's Bakery. What was Lakeland and before that Lester Bowden. I wonder what, if any, use I will make of the place? I wonder also whether whoever actually own the chain have not overreached themselves: there are a lot of these bakeries popping up all over London (not to say elsewhere, but I don't know about that) and Epsom already has a lot of cafés (both blue collar and white collar) and snack bars.

We had a van parked in the market square offering dinosaur parties for children, complete with metre-high dinosaurs from various eras.

And another van parked in the market square  offering a street food take on steak and chips, that is to say white plastic foam containers containing lumps of grilled steak on beds of chips. Perhaps given a suitably foreign and exotic flavour by the offer of some kind of lumpy brown goo. I did not get close enough to know about that.

Then on the way home, following up the Dibben of Newport of the previous post (reference 1), I had an eye to drain covers. I was expecting a lot from Stockport, but as it turned out there was just one of those. A London firm scored the most, with a York firm coming a respectable second. Plus a few oddments, plus a lot which did not carry a place of origin at all. Clearly time for a more systematic attack on the matter.

PS: I don't suppose there ever was a Gail, unlike Ella the baker of Ashburton, now retired from the fray, whom I believe to exist and believe to have met.


Reference 1:

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