Wednesday 12 July 2023

Piano 74

This piano was captured in the chapel of the former nunnery known as Carisbrooke Priory (reference 2), of which more in due course. A nicely veneered instrument named for August Förster, a company which is alive and well at reference 3 and at Löbau, a little to the east of Dresden and a little to the north of the Czech border.

Wikipedia explains that this is a small but very respectable brand, favoured by the likes of Sergei Prokofiev, although this particular piano may well have been made in a factory in what was Bohemia and is now the Czech Republic. Presumably the nuns either had some serious money, or acquired it by way of a legacy.

A first for me in that I am fairly sure, without checking, that I have not come across one before.

PS: hopes that one would still be able to pay for car parking on the Isle of Wight using a credit card - or even coin of the realm - have been dashed, with all the council parks having been moved over to the phone operator pay-by-phone of reference 5. I have tried using their website, but this seems to mean that one has to buy parking by the day rather than by the hour, which is not always what one wants, so I have now fallen for my second app from an app store. This paybyphone app being second to the acrobat reader first. I declined the opportunity offered to connect the app store to my credit card; there are limits. All that aside, hopefully this new app will do hours as well as days. On the downside, BH tells me that there are lots of these operators serving the car parks in the Epsom area, so getting apps for all of them is probably pain to come.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

Group search key: pianosk.

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