Monday 15 April 2024

A small fact

A slightly lightheaded, perhaps slightly manic, walk around the Ewell Village anti-clockwise. Which was odd as I had slept well the night before. Not many people in town, I passed on the trolley in the Kokoro Passage.

Now the dream I woke up to involved me on the wide flight of steps leading into some large building, the sort of steps that lead into St. Paul's Cathedral, although I can't pin the dream building onto any real building or even particular place. I was wearing a rather old-fashioned, brown rain coat and generally had a slightly military appearance. There was another chap on the steps, rather similarly dressed, in a black rain coat, looking even more military. Tooth brush moustache and all. He was looking at me rather suspiciously, as if I was some kind of fake or interloper. I was a bit uncomfortable about this and retreated behind a pillar to the left.

Waking up, I associated the military chap to the colonel in charge of Micheal Caine in the film 'The Ipcress File'.

On the anti-clockwise, I started worrying at the name of the colonel. Perhaps starting with a 'W', perhaps 'Ward'. At first I was very unconvinced about this, but as the walk proceeded I got more used to the idea.

I thought I would ask Gemini (reference 1). And then thought that it would probably be just as quick to ask IMDb (reference 2) which might well be the source that Gemini would draw on anyway.

So back home, I did ask Gemini, with the result snapped above. A four letter name yes, but no 'W' and not 'Ward'. An answer which I was pretty sure was right, but was confirmed at IMDb. He had not been put off the right scent by my wrong guess, which might have been the case with his predecessor Bard just a few months ago.

In a last twist to this tale, this morning opened wet and windy, although my walk turned out to be dry, and I did wear my old fashioned long raincoat, the one bought in a charity shop in Tavistock, as noticed at reference 3. Its first outing for a while. Duffel coat now in summer storage upstairs.

Another point of interest in the dream, was that as I woke up, I very much had the sensation of filling in the gaps in what I remembered - or perhaps just the holes in the dream - with words. So the words 'there were lots of school parties milling about', that is to say inside the building with steps aforementioned, popped into mind. Words without any backing images, either from the dream or anywhere else, either then or later. So as far as the conscious mind was concerned, that bit of content was generated by words. Large language model indeed. That said, I associate now to the school parties in the Festival Hall, noticed more than a month ago now at reference 4.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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