Monday 18 March 2024

Trolleys 650 and 651

Which involved three physical trolleys scored as two.

The first was a small M&S food hall trolley picked up in Station Approach near the top of the Kokoro passage, snapped above.

Then on the way down the passage with it, I came across two more, a larger one from the food hall and a large from from B&M - my second such. The two M&S trolleys scored 1 and I came back for the B&M trolley which also scored 1. Parking this second trolley released a Marie Curie fake pound coin, the first I have had for a while - coins in Sainsbury's and Waitrose trolleys being something of a rarity these days, although there are still plenty of handle locks.

Noticing on the way a small gang of unsavoury youth milling about the car park to the left of the passage as you go down it. There were two more trolleys there, both on their sides, but I decided that the youth were better left to their own devices.

Collectibles sale in the market square winding down at 16:15. It did not give the impression of having been terribly lively earlier in the day. Probably not helped by the rain in the morning. Maybe the public's taste for old junk is winding down?

Proceedings had started, back at home, with checking up on progress with the triffid, with the flower head being clear enough to the eye from this angle, but not to the telephone.

Which last did better at close-up. In any event, it has come on a bit since the last report at Trolley No.641, something over a fortnight ago, towards the end of reference 2.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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