Friday 29 March 2024

Trolley 660

Trolley 660 was actually two small trolleys from the M&S food hall picked up on the way down through the Kokoro Passage, after a day in town. A day which did not, in the event, involve hiring any Bullingdons because it was too cold and wet. There were some dry windows, but not at the right times.

Additionally, there were three B&M trolleys in the passage, awkwardly tied together by young people recovering coins (or perhaps just tokens) from the handle locks. Not really an issue with handle locks on trolleys from other shops, where they are only rarely used. Left for someone else to deal with.

The M&S trolley stack - trolley park would be too grand a name - contained just one other trolley when I got there. I was even thanked by a busy young team member for my two. The big rush before the Easter shut-down. With Good Friday being a more or less dead day when I was a child: more or less nothing was open. And not coming from a church family, nothing on that front either.

With Easter being much more important for the pious than Christmas. On which reference 2 provides some introductory material, from where the snap above is taken.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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