Saturday 9 March 2024

Trolley 645

After returning the trolley at reference 1, back to the Kokoro passage to get two more, as snapped above. Stacks even fuller and even more untidy after I returned then - with my attempt at tidying up being thwarted, at least in part, by two of the large trolleys already there being awkwardly chained together.

Thursday market was winding down at this point, but the fish man was still there and I bought some more fish against another kedgeree on the next day. A sort of low-key reprise of the meal noticed at reference 2. A purchase that reminded me that decent cuts of white fish are dear now, maybe dearer than beefsteak.

Back up the hill to find men hard at work on removing the debris from the fallen section of the heritage wall. Not work I could manage any more: I might just about manage to push a barrow up the slope to the skip, but I very much doubt if I would make it up the plank to tip the barrow into the skip. Maybe even do myself a nasty falling off the plank.

Wall as previously noticed at reference 3, something more than a week ago. I didn't find out whether it was the council or the householder on the case. 

A householder who has tried, off and on, to get planning permission to knock his house down and redevelop. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the heritage people. I am not sure that I ever knew what his plans for the heritage wall were.

[Homes in San Francisco. New laws in Montana and Arizona that permit more kinds of housing have followed, and in some cases were modeled on, state-level zoning changes in places like California.Credit...Jason Henry for The New York Times]

In which connection, I was interested to read yesterday at reference 4, that they seem to have just as much trouble with affordable housing in the US as we do here. Zoning being the key word there.

With part of the story being, as I understand it, that the sort of mix of suburban family houses and small blocks of flats that can be seen in the snap above, would not, until recently, have been permitted.

And to think that I had thought that with all their space (and cheap timber from Canada), housing was not the problem in the US that it was here in Europe.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: The Surprising Left-Right Alliance That Wants More Apartments in Suburbs: The YIMBY movement isn’t just for liberals any more. Legislators from both sides of the political divide are working to add duplexes and apartments to single-family neighborhoods - Conor Dougherty, New York Times - 2024. The yimbies are coming!

Group search key: trolleysk.

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