Monday 25 March 2024

Trolley 658

Collected from an elevated flower bed in Station Approach. Not as awkward to fetch down as I had feared - but still not too sure about a big one.

Collected a friend from the Kokoro Passage and returned the two of them to the M&S food hall. Where, for a change, the shutters were down at the front entrance. Sunday Observance I suppose.

After which I carried on around the Kiln Lane circuit, passing a very handsome bank of pink and white blossom, one end of which is snapped above.

I tried Google Images which came up with a good selection, a lot of which were inaccessible to me inside Facebook or Instagram. There may have been the odd X. But enough were accessible that my forced choice would be ornamental apple. Otherwise, certainly an ornamental version of a fruit tree. Closer look next time around.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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