Friday 1 March 2024

Heavy metal

For lovers of heavy metal, lots of nice photographs at reference 1, of which that above is a sample, with caption: 'The 600-ton hydraulic press at the Coney Island Overhaul Shop used to remove subway wheels from an axle'. It took me a few seconds to work out what the machine was doing.

Gmaps knows all about the place, right of centre in the snap above. From where I learn that Coney Island is hardly an island at all, although it may have been one once. More the southwestern tip of Long Island.

The photographer, to be found at reference 2, is clearly more into stuff than people. So a new gas turbine above, needing a spot of Brillo action on the left hand end of the axle. And an old turbine below, once something to do with powering the subway trains being overhauled above.

PS: does TFL have a similar facility or have they subbed it out to the French or the Chinese?


Reference 1: Inside the Massive Repair Shops Where Subway Cars Go for a Makeover: An in-depth look at the process that overhauls every single wheel, motor, brake, axle, wire and door on every car in the New York City system - Photographs by Christopher Payne, Text by David Waldstein, New York Times - 2024.

Reference 2: Plenty of free samples available.

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