Thursday 14 March 2024

Trolley 648

Two trolleys from the M&S food hall from the Kokoro passage. Medium in size, one fairly new, one fairly old, but both in decent enough condition. Returned to the fairly full stacks by the Ashley Centre entrance. No small trolleys to be seen there on this occasion

Market present - the usual mixture of fast food and real food (including fish but not meat) - plus a plant display which seems to be getting bigger and bigger - but I was not tempted on this occasion and pressed on into the library for the tail end of their art book sale.

One book of black-and-white art photographs of people from a village in Antigua, one bit of light reading for BH, this last the sequel to a book about lemons which she had read several times and still owns. A snip at £1 each. Two works of contemporary fiction borrowed on the off-chance that they might interest her too.

And on round the Screwfix circuit to return to Day 1 of the kitchen refit. One of our two trestle tables in action once again to take its share of the displaced gear from the kitchen.

Construction of these tables was noticed but not very well illustrated at reference 2. Used from time to time since either for festive meals or for jigsaws. The extra space being especially useful for my occasional foray into the world of 1,000 piece jigsaws.

A rather better idea of just one of them is given at reference 3. Although, sad to report, the awning did not work very well, being all too apt to flap about in an unpleasant way in what seemed like the lightest of breezes.

PS: I am reminded that trestles were all the thing for feasts in halls in the olden days. Quick to put up and quick to take down again when it came to a spot of dancing to shake down the refreshments.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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