Sunday 10 September 2023

Fake 167

As luck would have it, another fake from a Travelodge Hotel, this one called Orchard Park and jammed between the A14 and a housing estate on the northern fringe of Cambridge. Of which more in due course.

But in the meantime, some fake tiles from the shower cubicle. That is say some sort of thin panel of something or other, got up to look like real ceramic tiles. A material which was also used behind the sink. From which one deduces that it is a lot easier to cut in a bit of this stuff than use some real tiles. Furthermore, with modern materials and sealing guns, perhaps just as water resistant.

Perhaps Travelodge are pioneers in the use of tricky new materials. Perhaps they have a chief engineer who is all for novelty and innovation.


Reference 1:

Group search key: fakesk.

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