Saturday 2 September 2023

Trolley 589

Captured in the front yard of the creationists' accommodation block in East Street. It has certainly been a while since I took one from there, once a good source, and search suggests that the source dried up in November last year. For which see reference 2. This morning, the block looked very quiet and the smoking den - back left - was empty of both chairs and people. I guess term has yet to start.

Returned to the food hall at Marks & Spencer, after which, for a change, I went home via Waterloo Road and Court Recreation Ground, this last busy late morning with boys' football. Complete with quite a few parents.

While in Waterloo Road I was struck by the skin fading offered by the barbers which has popped there. Probably one of the many barbers in Epsom mainly staffed up from the Middle East. Hard to see how they can all make a decent living.

I wondered when skin fading just involved rubbing what amounted to white paint into the face or whether something more sinister was involved.

I also passed the downstream twin of the bridge noticed at reference 1. A place where I have picked blackberries before now, but the only one I tried today looked well enough but was full of pips and not very sweet.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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