Saturday 23 September 2023

More Schubert

The stringed Schubert noticed at reference 1 was followed up a couple of days later by some keyed Schubert, D960, from one Ignas Maknickas, a young man just starting out on his career. So has not yet acquired a page on Wikipedia, but he does have the web site at reference 2, from which I learn he was born in California in 1998 and was raised in Lithuania, presumably the country of origin of at least one of his parents.

An overcast day, and after deep thought I decided to take the tube there, rather than cycle over from Waterloo, which is what I would have done not so many years ago.

So train to Vauxhall, where there were lots of cricket types milling about. Mainly male, middle aged and middle classed. Not a tinny to be seen anywhere; if present, all neatly tucked away into their neat little bags and rucksacks. Plus summery shirts and hats. While the tube was very hot, and seemed very hot indeed by the time that I got to Oxford Circus. I would not have cared to spend much time down there, let alone do any work.

An art work carved into the entrance of an office block in Regent Street, a lot better in real life than it appears above. See references 3 and 4.

The margins of Cavendish Square were looking a little unkempt. Not helped by some of their box trim being struck down in the same way as our own box back in Epsom.

A light lunch on a bench consisting of a thin slice of home-baked brown, without butter or cheese on this occasion. Maybe a mouth full of water. 

From there to the Wigmore Hall, perhaps a third to a half full. Same flowers as on the Sunday, starting to look a bit tired.

The stocking filler from Remesa was short and not without interest. with Remesa being a Lithuanian with a Wikipedia page in Lithuanian. While the Schubert had a slightly metallic sound to it and seemed very fast. Sometimes a bit of the background got a bit lost behind all the goings on in the foreground. All of which might have been the youth of the executant or might have been my lack of sleep the night before. But good all the same. And oddly, afterwards I felt much refreshed; the lack of sleep had been blown away.

There was also a short encore. Not terribly appropriate to my mind, but had the virtue of being very short.

As it happened, I was reminded a few days later that the performers like these stocking fillers; they provide a bit of welcome variety from the stuff the punters come to hear, stuff which they have probably played time after time. But they have the good sense not to include too much filler, which might put the paying punters off.

From there to Hinde Street to pull a Bullingdon to take me down to Old Compton Street, via Soho Square, to buy cheese. I had to cheat a bit to take a right off Oxford Street.

A litter of hire bikes somewhere along the way. I find them very irritating, but I imagine that I would be wasting my time if I were to write a moaning letter to the Mayor of London about them. More important things to worry about.

Cheese bought - Lincolnshire Poacher again - on to Drury Lane and from there down to Waterloo. On the roundabout a large black transit van with a passenger in army uniform. What were they up to? And just behind the stand snapped above we had four students practising their jumps around the top of the stairs. Two of each sex.

From there, a short visit to the Hole in the Wall, a house I used to use reasonably regularly once, before Youngs gathered it into their family. But I was pleased to find that it had not changed much and was still a slightly scruffy boozer.

The penultimate item was some full-on young people a few seats away from me on the train. Maybe they were wannabee creatives. A bit tiring for us pensioners.

While the outing wound up with the haul snapped above from the Raynes Park platform library. The ancient romance bottom right for BH was rapidly discarded. The thriller top right was noticed at reference 5. While left we have a rather odd cycling magazine, this number of which was devoted to lady cyclists. Lots of arty pictures of ladies, their cycles and parts of their cycles. Haven't really got to grips with it yet.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3: Line - Vone Phaophanit and Claire Oboussier - 2014.

Reference 4: The creatives - who, seemingly, have tapped into the corporate market for art.

Reference 5:

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