Monday 18 September 2023


Since mentioning Silversea in July, or perhaps more to the point, clicking on one of their advertisements, I have been getting a steady stream of advertisements from them in my gmail inbox.

I clicked on one this evening to learn all about a shiny new cruise liner called 'Silva Nova'. The centrepiece of this advertisement was a video presented by the lady snapped above. A lady who appeared to spend a lot of money on her clothes and accessories and who did have a very thick accent. Not my type at all - although perhaps a fair sample of the sort of person one might find onboard. And to be fair, she would probably work better in real life than on my laptop.

So if you are going to flog me this global warming monster of a holiday, you are going to have to do better than this video. And that's leaving aside somehow convincing me that queueing every day for hours to get off this floating care home to get into to some motor boat which is to carry me off to some hidden gem, ready and waiting to relieve me of as much money as they can get hold of, is a good plan. Not to mention an unrelieved diet of hotel food for days on end with no prospect of escape. And never ending conversations about golf, heritage, houses and grandchildren. And a tacky Internet connection. It's all enough to drive one to drink or worse.

PS 1: I was moaning yesterday at reference 2 about the difficulty of getting at the save screen function on my new-to-me Zbook. By dint of trying various combinations of key combinations like 'WINDOWS + F13', I managed to push the snap above into the Screenshots folder. Next step is to find out which combination.

PS 2: this after a fine lunch in town, on which I shall report properly in due course.

PS 3: Wednesday morning: the secret services are still at it, offering me a place on their summer intelligence internship scheme. Let's hope they are better at running internship schemes than targeting advertisements. See reference 4 for an earlier notice.


Reference 1: The mention.

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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