Thursday 7 September 2023

Delivering post

The Financial Times sometimes tells me that the governance of this country is cracking up. That we are locked into our glorious past - but don't seem to be able to manage the present, let alone the future.

Today, reading about the troubles of our Post Office in the Guardian, I thought they might have a point. We can't even get this rather mundane, not terribly sensitive or emotive matter under control  - a trick that plenty of other countries seem to have managed.

Some of the problems are rooted in the duties of the privatised Post Office being written into law which requires the time and authority of the House of Commons to rewrite. Duties around universal next day delivery to far flung parts of the country. Around delivering letters - a large proportion of which are junk mail these days - six days a week. Duties which no longer reflect the very changed facts on the ground, very much changed in the last ten years or so.

Maybe one day we will manage to escape our glorious past and start to think seriously about the present.

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