Monday 22 May 2023

Piano 70

This Yamaha Clavinova was captured in the course of a recent visit to the church of St. Andrew, at Ashburton. A church we have visited several times in the past, but not recently, and as far as I can make out, this piano has not been scored before. 

There were visits to Ashburton before the scoring of pianos kicked in towards the end of 2018 and it is possible we did not visit the church again since then, what with the plague and moving out to Holne, rather than staying in Ashburton. But I have not put in the time needed to check properly.

I can, however, turn up the scoring Clavinova at reference 3, which, leaving aside the different colour, looks to me like a different model to the present one. Perhaps there is a whole range of them.

PS: this snap arrived here by way of sharing it with my newly discovered Google Drive, visible to both Samsung phone and Microsoft laptop. Not quite as convenient as OneDrive, certainly different, but getting there. And hopefully more secure. The only catch being that O2 have already warned me about my data consumption and I may be needing to move up from my (newly arrived) 3Gb a month. Maybe I need to take a look at my O2 account...


Reference 1:

Reference 2: The first piano.

Reference 3: Another Clavinova.

Group search key: pianosk.

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