Saturday 20 May 2023

System failure

Back in 2015 I noticed at reference 1 a fine Wellingtonia in the churchyard of St. Andrew's church in Ashburton. But this was before the Wellingtonia system kicked in the first summer of the plague, that is to say June 2020, for which see reference 2.

Sadly, when we visited the church a few days ago, we found that the tree had been removed. The lady doing the flowers in the church thought that it had been diseased and had had to be removed on grounds of safety. A removal which had made it to television, but a removal which has left no trace on the Internet that I could find. 

But I did chance upon an image of a large tree being taken down in ten feet sections, with each section being lifted out by mobile crane. A proceeding which one might have thought would require some care from the crane driver; care to take the weight just at the right moment. Not clear how a crane would have got close enough here, with the tree being much closer to the church than the road.

The rings were quite countable, but I could not muster the energy on this morning to count them. A failure I shall no doubt regret.

In any event, a Wellingtonia which was not scored at the proper time and cannot be scored now.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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