Wednesday 10 May 2023

Trolley 570

Captured at the western entrance to the Ashley Centre, more or less opposite Wetherspoon's. Litter disposed of in a nearby bin, leaving the bin clean enough for use, and returned to the stack at the back entrance to the M&S food hall. Where there were no other trolleys of this size to be seen. One had to make do with a big trolley or a small basket.

A rose on the way to the Screwfix underpass which was a good deal more advanced than any of ours.

And an impressive shrub of some sort on the other side of the Screwfix underpass. Not quite in flower but nearly there. Screwfix itself at the far end of the shed right.

Google images seems to be pretty convinced that it is a common whitebeam, aka Sorbus aria of reference 2. And given the comparison of a zoom with one of the Google images, I rest content for the moment, pending closer examination of the leaves. I dare say there are plenty of varieties.

PS: exercised the built-in zoom capability of the new Samsung phone this morning, Wednesday, which seems to work better than the comparable feature on the old phone. Still content, even if the leaves are a different colour and texture than those at the right in the previous snap.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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