Saturday 6 May 2023

Trolley 568


Earlier today, a right royal trolley was captured in the Kokoro passage, rather wet, and returned to dry out beside the stacks in the M&S food hall.

Town quiet. Market quiet. The butcher and his lorry were present. The fish man and his van were absent, as was one of the two green grocers. 

Proceeded home via the Screwfix passage, with the greenery looking very bright in the light rain.

Stream down from the Common was quiet enough, so there can't have been all that much rain. But the cow parsley was doing well. I remembered our days out in the Cambridge countryside where the cow parsley grew big and strong by the side of the road, making BH quite heady and uncomfortable at about this time of year. While today, I was more conscious of vapours from the hawthorn, just coming into flower. Must remember to take a look down Horton Lane, where it can be quite spectacular.

Plus there in some carex pendula, in its male phase of flowering, lower left, just as the stream enters the culvert.

Thought to try a close-up of the chestnut candles, to the left of the lamp post in the previous snap.

Then aided and abetted with zoom and snap back home on the laptop. Not great, but I can't see me taking the time to learn how to use the new camera properly. Not to mention the two auxiliary cameras. Would the old phone have done better?

I was slightly more impressed by the snails, lots of which had been drawn out into the open by the light rain.

Sadly, getting snaps off the phone remains work in progress. And I am missing the ability to chose from a number of snaps of the same thing on a proper screen which I got with OneDrive synchronisation. Choosing on the small screen not the same at all.


Reference 1:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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