Friday 26 May 2023

Around Epsom

A stroll into Epsom the other day, to make sure all was well and to check on the trolley situation. In the event, no trolleys but a modest amount of water was to be seen at the western end of the High Street. More usual for the water to be on the other side of the road, blocking the pavement outside the Marquis, that is to say where the yellow tubs are.

Further evidence for the BH theory that what is now the High Street used to be a spring line, apt to disgorge water soaking down from the downs to the south. I vaguely recall talk of ponds as well.

Snapped at the other end of town, off East Street. The ivy used to go right to the top of this house, but the top triangle was stripped away some years ago now, the rendering cleaned up and redecorated - but leaving the white wisteria now in full flood.

Unfortunately, Samsung by default seemed to think that I was snapping the ivy, so the focus on the white not very good at all. Or perhaps it thought that I was interested in cars. In any event, I expect that it will be some time before I get around to doing something about this default: much more pressing matters to attend to.

While through the tunnel to Screwfix, across the road from which one can admire the results of the pause in the mowing of most Epsom verges during May outside what used to be the Tchibo headquarters, operations centre & warehouse.

Possibly ox-eye daisies, as per reference 1, but I need to take a closer look to be sure. BH much better at this sort of thing than I am - but at least I am better on trees.

Still no pyramid orchids.

PS: the gates to what was the Tchibo compound, visible far right, have now been reinforced with a large concrete block behind. The sort of block that can be made up into low walls, originally intended to defend construction workers on motorways from careless cars.


Reference 1:

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