Tuesday 11 October 2022

Wellingtonia 96

Captured in the margins of a visit to Newton Abbot, on which further report in due course. A fine big tree, visible from the edge of the shopping quarter.

The unzoomed version from Kingsteignton Road.

From which I deduce that the tree is in the front garden of a house in Rundle Road, a little way up the hill, in what looks like a desirable part of Newton Abbot, to use a phrase from the Estate Agents' book. Odd how different these trees can look from different angles.

Time did not permit our finding our way there on the day. Perhaps next time, Newton Abbot looking to be well worth a second visit. Previously only known to me as a place where we once loaded up our car to take us up to Scotland. A good service, but expensive, long discontinued.


PS: a couple of days previously, I thought I had seen one just past Fleet services, on the other side of the road, as we headed west. Checking today, the best I can do is the snap above, which the Rules Committee have ruled ineligible. Grudgingly, they do allow Street View snaps in special circumstances, but the snap does have to clearly be a Wellingtonia, which they ruled that this snap was not. Balance of probability yes, beyond reasonable doubt, no. No point in arguing with these sort of people: they just bear a grudge and make all sorts of difficulties in the future.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/10/wellingtonia-95.html.

Group search keys: wgc, nwa.

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