Wednesday 26 October 2022

Oven to tableware

Following preparation yesterday evening, as noticed at reference 1, I tried grilling the acorns this morning. The book said oven and BH said use a dry frying pan, but I knew best.

With the results snapped above, despite sitting next to the grill, eating bread and cheese. The acorns went from a golden brown to black very quickly, and would probably have caught fire had they not been in BH's line of sight.

Being quite small, not enough left to eat, and what little we did manage to scrape out did not taste of much at all. The good thing was that there was no unpleasant smoke or smell hanging around the kitchen.

We will try again this evening with the second half of the acorns, perhaps using the frying pan. In the meantime, I wonder about the potential of acorn cooking oil. Presumably there is plenty of oil in acorns which could somehow be extracted. So what is the catch?


Reference 1:

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