Wednesday 19 October 2022

Late gold

I had thought that our yellow buddleia (or buddleja to some, Buddleja × weyeriana to others) was flowering late, presently being at full throttle, as snapped above. Some freak of the hot, dry summer.

But checking this morning, I find that buddleias generally flower from July to October, with some varieties starting as early as May. So nothing particularly strange about mid-October for this one, at least not on that account.

This one has done much better, sandwiched as it is between the firethorn (left) and the hazel (right), for not being cut right back in the spring, perhaps because it is not anything like as vigorous as its blue cousin.

PS 1: no redwings have turned up yet to feed on the firethorn. They seem to have missed last year, but they did turn up about this time in 2020.

PS 2: it is not just the UK and the US where voters vote for bizarre people or bizarre policies. I see that in Germany, the government is having difficulty keeping a lid on the Greens, who think that now is a good time to shut down all their nuclear power stations. This in a country which can get very cold in the winter and which was very dependent on Russian gas to keep warm. But then, I have always been a bit of a fan of nuclear power, fission or fusion, and I am not going to get into a sweat about the dangers involved in burying spent fission fuel a mile underground. And fusion fuel not a problem...


Reference 1: The last outing.

Reference 2: Redwings.

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