Monday 24 October 2022

Trolleys 538 and 539

Captured at the top of the Kokoro passage this morning. There being two stores and two sizes of trolley involved, I made two trips of it and score two. There was also the consideration that wheeling three trolleys on the open road is a bit of a business and I did not want to make an exhibition of myself to that extent.

Small trolley taken in through the front door of M&S and deposited at the stack by the back door, the one into the Ashley Centre.

Removed the litter from the two large trolleys - emptying the various fluids into nearby planters - one of the fluids turning into a curious array of small white lumps - hopefully non-toxic to invertebrates - finding on the way that the Waitrose trolley had been bashed slightly out of shape at some point in its life. Left it in the Waitrose stack, but apart from the others. Too idle to walk it around to the back - and anyway, the last time I did that, the Waitrose trolley man ruled it fit for service. Good enough for the punters in the immortal ruling of a McDonald's manager when a lump of plaster fell into the barrel of coffee out back. Presumably in the days before people didn't bang on as much about their coffee as they do now. M&S trolley fine.

Spot of shopping in Waitrose, then off to the Library to see what they knew about Brecht. The answer was that the drama section has been swallowed up by something called literature, where it has shrunk to near vanishing point. Lots of fiction but very little literature. Next stop the performing arts collection which used to be held in the Bourne Hall Library.

Home to inspect the avocado in its new home in the upstairs landing window - the thought there being that maybe avocados are not very frost tolerant. Leaves not as tropical and shiny as they were at the beginning, when they first emerged from the compost heap, but pleased to be able to report that the lead bud is on the move again after a period of dormancy.

And the water hawthorn, aka Aponogeton distachyos, last noticed at reference 2. Last seen, as it happens at the gardens at Abbotsbury, to be noticed in due course, rather than at Newbridge, near Ashburton, where we first came across it. Here coming back into autumn life, with one flower so far, as promised by Mr. Pondlife. We shall see whether it holds out against the leaves falling from the oak tree above. And against the silkweed below, which must have come in with it, so maybe that is not a problem.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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