Thursday 27 October 2022

Fake 153

A reprise of the fake at reference 2, that one in Yaverland on the other island, this one in Ringwood in Hampshire. In the church dedicated to both St. Peter and St. Paul. Maybe that was thought to cover all the bases.

The fake is the plastic flowers, while the elaborate pulpit behind does not really count as a fake, more a reprise of a style imagined for the high Middle Ages. While the lectern in front would not do for Downing Street at all, where I read (in yesterday's Guardian) that it has become the custom for each inbound Tory prime minister to have a personalised lectern, all ready and waiting for when he or she first turns up. While Blair and Brown, for all their faults, made do with something more utilitarian. Maybe even tubular steel.

Now that Rees-Mogg has left the scene, I don't think we have a Tory pretentious and silly enough to aspire to a pulpit of the church variety, but maybe the carpenter formerly known as Viscount Linley, now to be found at reference 3, could be commissioned to knock up a range of lecterns, lovingly crafted from endangered tropical hardwood, better able to stand the damp of Downing Street on a winter's evening than the native gear, a range from which inbound prime ministers could make their choice. Their first act as the monarch's first minister.

PS 1: I wonder who was pretentious and silly enough to commission the room snapped above from reference 3. Must have been very rich whoever he or she was as I don't suppose it came cheap.

PS 2: the rule that real aristocrats should not engage in trade, other than in land, tenants, cattle and so forth, seems to have been well and truly repealed. Our new monarch makes a great deal of money by selling the Duchy branding to the grocery trade while this carpenter sells accessories for your private bar. Fancy - and expensive - versions of the things sold in the shops attached to our stately homes.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: fakesk.

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