Saturday 8 October 2022

Stop press

One of my duties today was telling YouGov about my attitude to sport and video games. And various other matters.

This included what seemed like about 20 screens like that snapped above, including some sports which I have never heard of. They must be slow learners at YouGov central, not in the same league as Team Google at all.

Telling them about my participation in sport was rather less tedious and only needed two or three screens.

They then moved onto various other matters, including my drinking habits and I was interested to see that the scale went from 0 to 14 units (of alcohol per week) in steps of one unit, then 14+, then stopped. Perhaps they think people are not going to be very honest when they get into double figures. I settled for 14+ and I await with interest the surveys that they send to me on the basis of this bit of information.

The survey closed with my giving instant reactions to about thirty names. Most of which I had never heard of, but they were clever enough to include a few that I had heard of and so had to move the mouse before clicking. A wheeze to check that I was still awake.

But I don't grudge them the time: I rather like to see the sort of things that they are interested in and the amount of effort they put into getting the questions right. So, in return, I try to fill their surveys in a responsible way.

PS: for those not well-versed in these matters, our medical advisors tell us that 14 units a week is quite enough. And to think that when I was a student in London, medical students were notorious for the amount of booze they got through.


Reference 1:

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