Friday 29 April 2022

Trolley 509

Trolley 509 was captured on the south side of East Street, in Clayton Place, which is relatively unusual in that most East Street trolleys are captured on the north side. I wondered what the houses bottom right fetch: very convenient for town and station, but with the railway line to Sutton behind. Next time I am in the vicinity I shall explore.

Returned to the very nearly empty stack of small trolleys outside Sainsbury's main entrance. But worry not: the trolley man was heading that way with a train of twenty or so more.

Lots of boys and girls piling out of Glynn School at around 11:30 this Friday morning. I didn't like to ask them how they all came to be escaping at this rather odd time. They appeared to be heading for Sainsbury's.

Continued on my way around the Ewell Village anticlockwise, where, at the bottom of Longmead Road there was a very confident fox, confident enough that it stood there while a passing lady got her telephone out and took a picture. Possibly a fox hugger. And continued to stand there until I turned up and shouted at it, at which point it disappeared into the bramble thicket adjacent, a thicket from which I have picked blackberries in the past. As noticed at reference 5.

And so home to read about the state funeral of Madeleine Albright, sometimes known as Madeleine no so bright.

I thought that she was the lady who let Saddam Hussain believe that the US was not that fussed about what he might get up to in Kuwait, but that turns out to have been April Glaspie, US ambassador to Iraq at the time, two or three years before Albright arrived centre stage. Nevertheless, there seem to be plenty of people who believe that Albright was a disaster, sharing long range responsibility for, amongst other matters, the present imbroglio in the Ukraine. See references 2 and 3. Leavened by reference 4. Whatever the case, like many of her kind, after she retired from the political fray, she went on to make lots of money out of her contacts in high places.

One of a number of US Secretaries of State who were not born in the US, but who took strong lines, particularly on matters concerning the Soviet Union, now reduced to Russia. Perhaps, rather as Catholic converts are apt to be more Catholic than the Pope. She was also a short person, a trait I believe to be positively correlated with aggression.

So while we need to respect public servants, even when we disagree with them, perhaps a state funeral is going a bit far.

PS: there are a number of modest houses tucked into odd places, surprisingly close to Epsom town centre, not all of them underneath railway lines.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Reference 5:

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