Thursday 28 April 2022

Trolley 508

Trolley 508 was captured in the High Street, quite near the new South American flavoured butcher there, a butcher which I have yet to try, being spoiled by having a perfectly respectable butcher in Manor Green Road. Not to mention another South American flavoured butcher in Pound Lane, part of the Portuguese-Brazilian colony there.

A trolley which I think had been in Station Approach on Monday and Tuesday, but which had moved down to the High Street for my visit on Wednesday, that is to say yesterday. One can speculate about the late night sport that might have been involved in the movement.

On the way to the trolley, I had passed a new parking lot, in the car parking space attached to the small block which used to house, inter alia, Gillespie the baker and Styles the barber. A parking lot with just nine space marked out. All reflecting the ease with which car parking applications can be delivered to telephones these days and the likelihood that the three cornered battle of the (now empty) block between planners, heritage folk and developers looks set to run on for a while yet.

Returned the trolley to Kiln Lane where I found another of the parcel collection containers, first noticed back in February at reference 2. I think there are others, besides these two. Clearly a bit of a push on. All looks like a bit of a chancy venture to me, with a fair bit of outlay up front and with uncertain return. The collection office at the railway station, a different outfit, always seemed very quiet and vanished after a few months. Now a fancy kitchen shop (by appointment only) which looks, to me anyway, equally chancy. But maybe inpost (of reference 3) have done their market research, maybe there is track record of success in similar towns.

Lots of white dead nettles, cow parsley and hawthorn in flower in the alley behind Sainsbury's.

A lady resting with her bicycle on top of the footbridge over the railway. Her story was that humping the bike up the steps was a better bet than taking the detour around the underpass, perhaps an additional kilometre. I have taken trolleys over the same footbridge, and I would agree with her as regards trolleys, with which the extra kilometre would be a pain. Not so sure about bicycles.

On past First Line Recovery, who had plenty of vehicles in Blenheim Road, mostly with numbers in the range 1 to 20, but some with numbers which were multiples on ten, 40 and up. Nothing in the 30-39 range, certainly no No.36. I did take a look at their gallery at reference 4, but given that they had not implemented a next button on the large versions of the snaps there, I quickly lost patience. In any case, I think I have checked properly in the past, without success, and I don't suppose they change the gallery very often.

Two sightings of what may have been fledgling gold finches when I got back to Manor Green Road. At least they were fluffy, about the right size and had flashes of yellow on their wings. Not sure enough to score them as tweets.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

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