Sunday 1 May 2022

New secateurs

This morning I took a run around Jubilee Way.

At 10:30 or so, the veggie market in town looked fairly quiet.

Somewhere on the Ewell by-pass there was a small flock of cyclists, I think quite young - and I think all riding tandems. Most unusual. But being at the lights made stopping to take a proper look a bit awkward, so I didn't.

Just the one car parked in the car park outside the newly opened Lidl HQ at the eastern end of Jubilee Way. So perhaps the penny & pound careful Mr. Lidl does not drive his staff as hard as one might have thought.

The promised rain materialised in the form of a few drop of rain in the wind. A long way from needing to get the cape out. But probably enough to deter Bank Holiday revellers from the beer garden out front at TB.

And then, coming around the roundabout at the northern corner of Hook Road Area, that is to say at the junction of the B284 and the B2200, in the middle of the road, we had this pair of quite decent secateurs. How on earth did they get there? In any event, unlikely that anyone was going to come back for them, so they have now been added to our collection.

Some cars coming out of the Arena, so the famous car boot sale is running this weekend. Traditionally, there would be another, a giant, on the Bank Holiday tomorrow, but, while tempted, we decided against. Too much close quarter elbow work involved for comfort. Plus, we really ought to be in dump, not buy, mode.

Back home, in the kitchen I got quite excited by a possible tweet on the rotary washing line outside. There seemed to be a flash of pink. Was it a bullfinch, something not seen for a long time? But then, rather than rush upstairs for the monocular, I just changed back into my outdoor glasses - while the bullfinch continued to sit - and it resolved into the outer anchorage point for the washing line. Very disappointing. 

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