Thursday 14 April 2022

Trolley 504

Captured outside Lloyd's bank this morning, at Epsom's main crossroads. I thought at first, someone inside the bank, on to his or her way to the M&S food hall, but the presence of two items of litter suggested otherwise.

Having disposed of the litter, returned to the food hall, where I discovered, not for the first time, that while the M&S stack has just the two lines, they have at least three different sizes of trolley - small, medium and large - plus baskets, which last do not generally score. Reference 2 being the exception which proves the rule.

It was also the case that, at say 11:30 in the morning, there were a lot more shoppers that at 17:00 the previous day, and a much larger proportion of the total were using either baskets or trolleys.

While outside, we had the Thursday market, if not exactly in full swing, was up and running. There was a fish stall and there was a fruit and veg stall. The former could not manage Finnan haddock but the latter could manage Medjoul dates. 

PS: when I buy these last, they come from Palestine. But I read at reference 2 that they were invented in Morocco and that 60% of those traded internationally come from Israel. Concerning which see, for example, reference 4. One of those curious files which you can download, but from which you cannot cut and paste text, even from your own, shiny new copy. While from reference 5, I learn that I have a whole new word in taxonomy to investigate, that is to say 'landrace' or 'land-race'. By way of a start, I find a very short entry in Webster's (edition fairly recent) and I am betting that it will be absent from OED (edition old), aristocratic pretensions to orchids and bloodstocks notwithstanding.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: Confirmation of 'Medjuool' data as a Landrace variety through genetic analyis of 'Medjool' accessions in Morocco - Elhoumaizi, Devanand, Fang, Chao - 2006.

Reference 5:

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