Tuesday 19 April 2022

Trolley 506

The second of Monday afternoon's two trolleys was captured at the bottom of the ramp leading out of the Kokoro passage. Returned to the M&S food hall.

On the way noticing that the two replacement trees outside Wetherspoon's, last noticed at reference 2, are now coming into leaf, which seems a good sign. The one nearer the clock tower looks a few days ahead of the other. We will see if this difference persists, whether the clock tower tree will be the healthier in the long run.

Getting tired at this point, so passed on the second trolley in the snap above, and on another, hidden away in the second passage. Held over for another day.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/04/trolley-505.html.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2022/04/notre-dame.html.

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