Friday 5 November 2021

Trolley 438

By late yesterday afternoon, most of the trolleys piled up outside the creationists' accommodation block, noticed at reference 2, had been removed.

As I was heading towards Sainsbury's, I captured their two, leaving the M&S trolley for someone else, or at least another day. Including a pound coin in the handle lock.

On the way to Sainsbury's, I pondered about the fairness of the width of what seemed like the many rows of blind bumps on the way. I can see that if you are blind these rows of bumps are a very good thing. On the other hand, there are probably more mums with prams and pushchairs, for whom the bumps are a nuisance, sometimes a painful nuisance if you hit them a bit hard and jar one's wrists. Perhaps they could leave a gap to the side of the bumps for the use of the sighted pushing wheels.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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