Tuesday 23 November 2021


Happening to be in Epsom market the other day, I passed some Brussels Sprouts sticks at £1.50 a pop, which seemed far too good to pass by, even if BH had made other arrangements. Especially since we have not had any sprouts since last winter, and not that many then.

I prepared the first round this morning, with two rounds to go: one of sprouts, one of tops. So 50p a meal for the two of us.

I was struck how many decent sprouts one got on the stalk and how clean they were. A far cry from the rather tatty things that I managed on the thin ground of my allotment behind Stamford Green School, mentioned from time to time in the early days of this blog, for example at reference 1. Maybe discouraged after the one attempt. Or indeed from the rather unclean sprouts which were sold in Cambridge market when I was young, fresh off the fens.

Taken with boiled potatoes, boiled carrots and fried white pudding (from Slomers). That is to say lightly fried in one centimetre slices. Already cooked, so it is more a case of warming it up to make it palatable.

PS: at least one chunk of our fine new market square has now been dug up, perhaps eighteen months after completion. So not too bad; it is quite a big space and stuff is going to go on. In this case, something to do with blue plastic pipes at the entrance to the Ashley Centre. Maybe an inch or so in diameter. And we are taking bets on how long it will be before someone feels the need to dig up the fine new surfacing of our own road, for which see reference 2.


Reference 1: https://pumpkinstrokemarrow.blogspot.com/search?q=allotment.

Reference 2: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/11/trolley-444.html.

Reference 3: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2020/03/public-art.html. Which must have been posted about the time the market square project was finished.

Reference 4: https://slomersltd.co.uk/. The white pudding people. Taken in ring form, naturally. Not the same otherwise.

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