Friday 5 November 2021


Creation has been resumed, after something of a break. With the effort snapped above being the work of more than one pair of hands, although I doubt whether even the diligent viewer could work out which bits were which.

The mainly green things bottom right were intended as sea cucumbers (the large class known to zoologists as the Holothuroidea), a favourite food of annaponkatoons - an extinct and aquatic member of the Xenarthra super-order introduced at reference 3. The best fossils are to be found in the Malvinas, once rather hotter than they are now.

More figurative than the AbEx stuff of the distant past.

PS: later: creative juices running again, we went on to score more than 550 at Scrabble, breaking what had seemed like a long run of low scoring games - with the last notice being of just such a game back in early October; to be found at reference 2. I am pleased to be able to record that I won today's important game by a margin of around 50.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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