Sunday 21 November 2021

Series 4, Episode I

Polly and her friends woke up the other day for the start of the leaf blowing season, with the second outing of the new leaf blower from Bosch having taken place yesterday, brought forward to beat the rain which never, in the event, turned up. The two trolls did not, for some reason, show.

It being reasonably cold, they thought to hole up in the play house with a carrot by way of a picnic, but they had not thought about leaves getting blown in, and are now a bit non-plussed as to what to do.

PS 1: there might have been trouble holding the telephone up straight, but Cortana managed the focus quite well. But not quite as arty as the job done with petals, last noticed at reference 2. And reading reference 3 today, it seems that the emperor of the petals was a pretty rum cove, even by the standards of Roman emperors. Next stop, Gibbon, to see what he has to say. In the meantime, it occurs to me that those being drowned in the Alma-Tadema painting look improbably relaxed about it all.

PS 2: the big compost heap is now quite big and a bright shade of brown from what is mainly a mixture of foreign oak and copper beech leaves. In order to preserve a good shape, some care is being taken when emptying more leaves onto it.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Group search key: wwwy.

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