Monday 15 November 2021

Big Boat

Earlier in the year I had a real yachting experience, noticed at reference 1. This morning, for once clicking on an advertisement in the FT, I come across what appears to be an even flashier yacht, with a glossy virtual experience being offered on YouTube at reference 3. French, but then it is a French company.

Curiously, Bing was keen to offer me pages about Arkema and criminality, but on poking that one it seems that after a serious law suit, Arkema were acquitted of charges relating to a fire in one of their plants in Texas. However, I also read that 'the company’s Crosby, Texas, plant became waterlogged and lost power needed to cool organic peroxide chemicals after Hurricane Harvey dumped more than 50 inches of rain on the area in 2017. The untended chemicals caught fire and burned for days, injuring 21 safety workers and forcing residents from their homes', so maybe the story is that Arkema could afford flashier lawyers than Harris County.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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