Tuesday 2 November 2021

A cool frosty morning

After a mild and wet spell since the last report at reference 1, woke up to more frost on the extension roof this morning, and a dew close to frost on the back lawn. While Cortana was keen to tell me about a new Microsoft Weather offering on my telephone and that it is presently 1°C outside here at Epsom.

While the FT does not seem to be interested in that sort of weather at all, despite now sporting a women's page over the weekends. Although it does offer temperature and weather at reference 2. And there is also a suggestion that DeepMind's efforts on the weather forecasting front may take all the fun out of it - but at least that is something that we can blame Google for rather than Facebook. Or rather, the newly minted Meta: Zuckerberg's new toy, new world.


Reference 1: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2021/10/frost-report.html.

Reference 2: Temperature rises threaten ocean flow catastrophe in the Atlantic: Stalling of currents would halt the Gulf Stream and alter weather patterns - Clive Cookson, FT - 2021.

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