Tuesday 16 November 2021


Last Friday morning a couple of old-style milk bottles turned up on our front doorstep, full of red stripe milk and accompanied by a brochure from Milk and More, the people at reference 1, perusal of which established that red stripe was their code for semi-skimmed.

BH thought it likely that they had been delivered to the wrong address, while I thought it was a come on. They already had a few customers in the road and wanted a few more to make it worth their while. We settled for checking with our immediate neighbours who denied being short of milk from this particular source.

While I noticed that one of the bottles had distinct signs of ware, possibly the result of passing through washing and filling machinery a few times.

Perhaps someone ought to tell Milk and More that for a proper nostalgia fest, the milk needs to be delivered to the back door, the proper place for delivery boys, dustmen and tradesmen generally. Front door for our own. For people who are dressed properly and talk properly.

Maybe we will get to hear how they get on. A few people have tried it since the demise of the daily milk float, but none of them lasted very long.

PS: for quite unconnected reasons, we had occasion to switch back from semi-skimmed to real milk at some point in the last week or so, which went down rather well in my tea. But going back to semi skimmed a few days later did not prove to be a problem, in fact I barely noticed. Whereas when we went to semi-skimmed in the first place, quite a few years ago now, it took me quite a while to get used to it. To putting coloured water in my tea instead of something with a spot of cholesterol, with some active ingredients.


Reference 1: https://www.milkandmore.co.uk/.

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