Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Trolleys 787 and 788

A Waitrose trolley captured on Station Approach.

And I thought I might as well tidy up this medium sized trolley from the M&S on my way out. One of the street food vans visible top left.

By way of reward, three of their pink grapefruits and one rather elaborate olive loaf, involving two sorts of flour, two sorts of olives (Nocellara and Kalamata), a sour dough starter and 35 hours. Rather dear at around 350g of it for approximately 1p per gram. Not bad for sour dough, but 35 hours and a thick, hard crust notwithstanding, I thought rather doughy and undercooked.

First Line Recovery attempting a come back at Blenheim Road. Must have caught the Ford people off-guard.

While the gas hole outside TB, reported at reference 1, was now deep enough that there was not much to be seen of a man standing in it.

PS 1: the Wikipedia people have yet to firm up a naming convention for their olive entries. See references 2 and 3. So a mixture of Sicilian green and Greek black olives. All a bit precious - as well as a bit pricey.

PS 2: Lent specials from the Texas Mesquite Grill. Of Cypress, Texas. Not their usual sort of thing at all. See, for example, reference 4. I notice in passing that their fish and chips (top right) at $24.95 - near £20 at today's exchange rate - seems a bit more than we would charge. From memory, Fishcotheque of Waterloo do a good haddock and chips for £15 - and I had thought food was cheap in the US.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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