Ten days or so ago, back to the Temple Church in the heart of lawyer land for some violin sonatas with Sophia Rosa and Martin Roscoe. Beethoven Op.24 and Franck Sonata in A Major. With the only Sophia in the archive being the rather different one at reference 1. I thought that Martin Roscoe was doing rather better with lots of hits, but the ones that I checked turned out to be Roscoe Street, a place associated with my visits to St. Lukes. But we do have references 2 and 3.
The day started with my first Copilot enhanced email. My correspondent had given it a few basics to bite on and then let Copilot get on with it. A complete fabrication, but perfectly plausible. And, while I thought the email a little unusual, it did not cross my mind that it was a fake: I had to be told. I wonder how many people let Copilot make stuff up for them? Does it not occur to them that there is not much point - apart from a bit of fun - in sending someone a fake letter? I associated to the words that Swift puts into the mouth of a houyhnhnm to the effect that the whole point of having language is to communicate. Communicating something that is not true does not qualify. I can't remember whether Swift goes into why one might communicate something that is false - not quite the same as just making up something plausible.

Then mildly irritated that the people across the road got their broken drain cover attended to much more quickly than we are getting our broken water meter attended too. But then, it was alleged that our shiny new LibDem MP was put onto their case. Three vehicles and rather more men, all for one drain cover. But they did do quite a neat job. SQS - 'S' for Stanmore - to be found at reference 4.
Water still running down Meadway to its junction with Manor Green Road, despite the water works associated with the new house half way down. A hazard next winter when it freezes again?
Part of the gas works at the bottom of Station Approach. Presumably to pump water out of the holes so that work can proceed?
New, very flimsy tickets which you show to a window on the entry gate, rather than feeding it into a slot. Presumably the plot, over time, is to phase out the cardboard tickets altogether. And it has to be said, they are not very reliable, so maybe the new flimsies will be better. They worked fine on this occasion, once I got the knack of pressing the things down on the window.
No.76 bus to Fleet Street, where I opted to collaborate with the tax dodgers Harris & Hoole previously noticed at reference 5. I would have preferred not to, but they were convenient and their coffee with cheese toastie is very reasonable - provided that is that you like lashings of melted cheese. Cheese which seemed to have been flavoured with something, something which was familiar but which I could not name. Three shots in my medium coffee which had quite a kick - not being very used to strong black coffee.
Furthermore, the barista had a wonderful smile.
Time to admire the handsome interior. A pretty good post-war rebuild. Not cheap, I don't suppose, so perhaps the lawyers chipped in a bit.
While this pocket organ was contributed, rather more recently, by a German lawyers' association. It opens up a bit at the back if you pull it away from the wall.
Not a large turnout, maybe thirty or forty of us, so rather than the seating being between and in the pews, we were sat on the other side of the stage, which was fine. Sitting in a pew means that you are facing the wrong way.
I wondered whether unwanted vibrations and reverberations were a problem with these temporary stages. Maybe thick fibre board or thick chip board muffles a lot of evils.
Once again, I thought the piano started off the Beethoven rather loud, but things got much better. Maybe the brain has to do a bit of tuning. But I failed to connect much with the Franck and the Elgar encore seemed a bit banal. A few days ago I thought probably reference 7 rather than reference 8. Now not so sure. But I am sure that it was Elgar.
Thought about taking a refreshment in the Old Bank of England, but decided against. But I did think that it would not have been a good place to take the trolley, not with me on this occasion.
There was a small but noisy pro-Israel demonstration outside King's College. Lots of flags. Quite a lot of police. One foot chase. But I failed to find out what it was all about. The first demonstration from their side that I recall seeing since the Hamas attack.
Passed on the Green Room, passed on Fishcotheque and the bar kitchen of old was still a building site, as it had been a year ago at reference 6. Maybe there is some serious work going on backstage.
However, as already advertised at reference 2, the noodlarium of Lower Marsh had somehow survived. I took wonton soup, soft fried noodles with chicken & onion and Fanta. All very good - and very good value. The won tun soup was quite watery and quite peppery, but that complemented the oil in the noodles nicely.
After I had ordered, I noticed an orange in a fruit ball at the end of the counter - which might have been for sale - but by then it was too late. Apart from breakfast buffets, fresh fruit does not seem to be an option very often these days. Let alone stewed fruit, prunes aside, and one does not see them very often either.
Passed an entry to the graffiti tunnel which leads to the Polish kitchen on the way back to the station.
And another informal litter bin.
Just made a two from the train at Clapham Junction. No doubt I could have converted it to a three if I had took a chance and nipped out onto the platform.
A reasonable haul at Raynes Park, including the cloth bound book above, a type of binding I associate with Phaidon art books of the same period, that is to say around the time of the Second World War. I have sorted out my confusion between Upton Sinclair and Sinclair Lewis, two roughly contemporary writers from the US and I have started reading the book - but presently stalled or diverted.
There were also some copies of the Royal Academy magazine, the sort of thing that used to be found in the better class of dentists' waiting rooms and hotel lounges. Bit of a puzzle for whom the magazine was now intended, as I would have thought that their old customers, keen on tasteful &n expensive objets d'art, might well be have been put out by the arrival of Dame Trace in the upper reaches of the Academy. That's not the sort of thing we signed up for. Maybe the Academy, like another old institution, the Church of England, has just got lost.
'In 2013, Queen Elizabeth II appointed Emin of unmade bed Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for her contributions to the visual arts. She was made a Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the King’s Birthday Honours in 2024'. On the other hand, her appointment as Eranda Professor of Drawing has lapsed.
And I was amused to find an advertisement for a gallery offering said objets d'art which was co-located with the B&M trolley operation in the farmyard noticed at reference 12.
Home to trolley hunting and a spot of shopping, for which see, for example, reference 10. Which suggests to me today that I may have been a bit unfair on Waitrose at reference 11 - even if some of the stuff on show was still in its shrink wrapping.
PS: I failed to turn up any new news about Sophia using Bing, so I asked Gemini, who turned up references 13, 14 and 15. He agreed with me that maybe large language models have raised the bar for robots such as Sophia, who may now look a bit dated. But then Gemini does tend to agree with reasonable suggestions.
Reference 1: https://psmv4.blogspot.com/2019/06/robots.html.
Reference 2: https://www.sophierosa.com/. The pictures may be one or two years old now.
Reference 3: https://www.martinroscoe.co.uk/.
Reference 4: https://sqsltd.co.uk/.
Reference 5: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/12/winterreise.html.
Reference 6: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2024/02/a-pub-crawl.html.
Reference 7: https://youtu.be/78U9EZ_tD9M - chanson de matin.
Reference 8: https://youtu.be/GoUuozWmoFM - salut d'amour.
Reference 9: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/02/trolley-772.html.
Reference 10: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/02/trolley-775.html.
Reference 11: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/03/faure-and-franck.html.
Reference 12: https://psmv5.blogspot.com/2025/02/trolley-771.html.
Reference 13: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophia_(robot).
Reference 14: https://robotsguide.com/robots/sophia.
Reference 15: https://www.livemint.com/news/trends/time-to-invest-in-indian-stock-market-female-humanoid-sophia-answers-veteran-market-investor-samir-aroras-question-11740297182340.html.