Sunday 14 July 2024


Day one saw us parking at Yaverland and grappling once again with PayByPhone in the car park there. Threatening noises about the need for security verification, but eventually I worked out that I could do this later when I had access to a laptop. And went on to pay for my session. And as it turned out, verification later was not that painful. On the other hand, I have yet to use PayByPhone again.

The tide was up, so we elected to walk to Sandown, rather than under the red cliff. A windy day, with wind from the south, so into the wind on the way out, following wind on the way in, which was probably the better way around. Furthermore, it did not rain in a significant way, which would have been a problem as we had forgotten to pack umbrellas, folding or otherwise.

On the outskirts of Sandown what appeared to be a stalled block of flats, a block where we had come across an impressive mobile crane last year. Noticed at reference 1. But there has clearly been quite a lot of action since then, and a lot more since the Street View camera last came around. Maybe their camera vans have trouble with the ferries. Watch this space.

Pushed onto the Beach Shack at the other end of Sandown, where we have taken good crab sandwiches in the past, although that did not seem to be an option now. I took a bacon bap, which was a little salty, while BH did rather better with her omelette bagel. I shall know better next time. We were also very taken with the icy presentation of the olives, which kept us amused while we were waiting. We shall be back.

Who would have thought that the Driftwood Beach Bar could run to a Bentley, a place which cannot even offer a working website? Must be busy after sundown, when we are far away.

Walking on the beach remains a very good sport, even if Sandown is not quite the red cliff. 

The dedication to one of the better beach shelters along the way. Prompting BH to reminisce about her days as a power in the world of residents' associations.

Looking towards Luccombe from inside. Ventor, the place of the wartime radar installation, just around the corner.

A spot of Dundee cake by way of a pick-me-up on arrival home. Assembled by BH, mostly stirred by yours truly. A fine bit of stirring, even if I say it myself. A proper meal involving boiled bacon with boiled vegetables followed later. Not a brown goo or a chunky chip anywhere to be seen.

A turn around the village after that revealed what had once been the Dark Horse was in a very neglected state, with creeper all over the left hand end and the porch more or less falling apart. A house which we liked better than the one which replaced it and which has been gone for a few years now. Maybe killed off by the plague.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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