Sunday 28 July 2024

Blackberries two

Late yesterday afternoon, après siesta, to Stamford Green Pond, to see what there might be there in the way of blackberries. To find that there were quite a few, well worth picking, on the green-side fringe to the pond, as snapped above. Pond just about visible, middle right, to the right of the rushes.

More or less filled up the same small tub as I used at reference 2, which just about accounted for the berries to be had at this particular spot. But must (get BH to) dig out a bigger tub for some more serious picking, my custom being to pick into a very small tub for periodic transfer to a big tub, safe on the ground somewhere. Less to hold and less risk of accident.

No ratty on this occasion, but we did have a heron, not very successfully snapped above - the same sort of magnification having done much better on the woolly bear caterpillar of reference 1 for some reason. And there were a couple of brown geese, probably Egyptian geese, guarding their brood of four or five goslings, sat in a brown feathery clump in the middle of the path. Pigeons and suchlike approached at their peril.

The Cricketers was providing some kind of live entertainment out front, harmless enough at a distance, although BH had been annoyed earlier in the week by their need to pump rather loud musak outside at lunchtime. Loud enough to interfere with conversation. Blackberries off-snap to the left.

The frozen results the following morning, awaiting bagging up for storage at the bottom of the freezer. Oddly, they look much pinker frozen than they did fresh, when the overall impression was a shiny black.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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