Wednesday 24 July 2024


I find this sort of advertisement, a full page in yesterday's Metro, particularly distasteful. Apparently the work of the solicitors at reference 1, aka BB Legal Ltd, a firm based in the north west. Company No.07301278.

I hope, should I ever be the victim of a medical accident, I would not feel the need to resort to this sort of thing. In all probability, I would have been treated in good faith and bashing the medicos in a quest to make lots of money for myself and my lawyers is not going to put my hand (or whatever) back on. Money which might otherwise have gone on helping someone more deserving. We live in a civilised country where we already have decent public provision for distress and disability and there is little need for this on top.

I guess it is a free country and we cannot stop it - that is to say, bashing our medicos for money - going on at the edges. But we don't have to like it and can regard it as near relative to the people who make a living out of exploiting loop holes in one or other bit of law. For example, to avoid punishment for some traffic offence or other or to avoid paying one's fair share of the tax that goes to pay for our public services.

In which connection, I vaguely remember about lawyers who used to measure the distance between all the lamp posts on some relevant stretch of road and use some lapse as regards the official standard in such matters to get their chap off. Maybe that one does not fly any more.


Reference 1:

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