Monday 1 July 2024

Trolleys 718, 719 & 720

Monday morning saw eight trolleys in total, scoring three. Having looped around Station Approach and found them where the Kokoro Passage turns into the ramp. The most popular spot just presently.

First up, four small trolleys from the M&S food hall. I was not carrying my trolleyman's strap but as luck would have it, I was carrying my stick, which did just as well on this occasion. Slightly awkward to walk and a bit of a push up the various modest ramps involved, but I managed without swinging the line into anyone.

Second, a couple of trolleys from nearby B&M, one containing a pound coin in its handle lock. A coin which was not recovered on return to base.

And lastly, a couple of medium trolleys from the M&S food hall.

Discovering on the way that they were not proper trolleys from Wanzl at all.

Only to find this morning that Reviva is a trolley recycling brand offered by Wanzl. See reference 2.

The recycling is done on the Sawpit Industrial Estate, DE55 5NH, Tibshelf, which is just by the M1, southwest of Chesterfield, The nearest National Trust convenience is at Hardwick Hall, one of the first flashy houses to be built in the UK after castles went out of fashion. Home to 1 Para during the second world war. I wonder how much damage they did?  According to Wkipedia at reference 3, the place was pretty much a ruin by the time that the National Trust got it in the late 1950s. One take on which would be that the Duke of Devonshire cashed in, transferring to the great British public the cost of putting it all back together again.

Now in the same league as our own Polesden Lacey with more than a quarter of a million visitors a year. Including works outings from Sawpit?

All very worthy, both on the part of M&S and Wanzl - and means that the trolleys can be Anglicised with a little Union Jack.

Carried on around the Screwfix circuit, turning up the opportunity of a further trolley from M&S which had found its way to under the railway bridge just off the end of the High Street. Perhaps it will still be there today (Tuesday).

PS 1: one of the sights of the morning was a young lady, out with her young man, sporting a short skirt and a couple of matching inscriptions on the back of her thighs, hard enough to read that you had to stare. She was not a slim girl, but clearly adhered to the philosophy that whatever it was that one had, one might as well flaunt it. There will be takers.

PS 2: for once in a while, there were also two medium sized washers to add to my collection. One of them a curious laminated affair, aluminum on one side, some kind of black rubbery stuff on the other.

PS 3: further to Farage funding, an update to reference 5 is to be found at reference 4. Richard Tice being another chap who made his money from property, some of it in Vauxhall. A long time supporter of the Conservatives who jumped ship to Farage.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

Reference 4: Reform UK bailed out by cross-party group run by Richard Tice in 2020: Pressure group raised funds for ‘Brexit celebration event’, then funnelled cash to the Brexit party - Rafe Uddin, Dan McCrum, Financial Times - 2024.

Reference 5:

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