Thursday 22 June 2023

Trolley 573

Trolley 573, the first for a couple of weeks or so, was captured tucked in behind Timpson's in the complex which once used to be the famous Spread Eagle, known to serious turf surfers everywhere. A trolley from Waitrose which had been there at least 24 hours as I had passed it yesterday. Today was more convenient. Returned to the small trolley stash by the exit, behind the fags counter, busier this morning with basket cases than with smokers.

A return which involved taking it through the length of the Ashley Centre, where there appeared to be serious maintenance work going on. An outfit called Sovereign Centros is in the chair if reference 2 is anything to go by, so let's hope they manage to find a tenant for the large House of Fraser slot, formerly Dickens & Jones, presently vacant & boarded up. Let's hope the council realise that they can't have both a thriving Ashley Centre and a thriving periphery. Time to let some of it go for housing.


Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Group search key: trolleysk.

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