Friday 16 June 2023

Fake 160

This statement in stone of lack of faith in the architects of today was captured at the junction of Sackville Street and Piccadilly.

On the other hand an architect of yesterday, or at least of not very long ago, got short shrift too, with his red brick effort converted into a hole in the ground. I imagine that the black brick effort counts as heritage, along with the rather newer Edwardian pillars out front, and so has survived.

It all seems terribly wasteful and not a very good advertisement for the way in which we run our affairs. What about the carbon footprint?  But I suppose the developer argument is that that the (say) seventy year old building was designed for a different age and is no longer fit for any rent paying purpose. Time to knock it down and build something that works, leaving a few pillars out front to keep the heritage folk quiet.

PS: I believe that a lot of what was west Berlin is fake in the same way, with the 19th century frontages which survived the bombing of the second world war now fronting up modern office and apartment blocks. Something else to take a look at in gmaps.


Reference 1:

Group search key: fakesk.

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