Thursday 8 June 2023

Piano 72

Piano 72 was captured yesterday afternoon in Drury Lane, a piano that I must have cycled past many times on my way to the cheese shop in Shorts Gardens, just up the road from the Bullingdon stand by the Grand Temple.

No makers name available, at least not without closer inspection than I had time for.

But then again, perhaps not, as there is a quite different piano, an elaborate brown wood affair, in a slightly different position, to be seen in Street View. In any event, probably something to do with the colourful Sarastro restaurant to the left. 

The website suggests that the whole place is as loud as the outside decoration would suggest. Is it a place which I ought to sample?


Reference 1:

Reference 2: 'Sarastro offers a diverse range of seating accommodation; much of which is partially enclosed to offer partial privacy for diners of a more discreet nature'.

Group search key: pianosk.

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